Wats popping yall? Now that you have had your turkey, done your black friday shopping and are back in the swing of things i suggest at a very convenient time (sometime soon) you all should take an opportunity to clear out your closets and donate whatever you will be getting rid of to the " LYMLIFE Christmas Clothing Drive" We will be taking clothes from now up until the 23rd of December. The clothes will be donated to less fortunate families for the holiday season. So please contact us through twitter @lymliving or directly through the blog with your clothes donations. Also if you use email please send it to joshlym28@gmail.com and we will workout some kind of pickup. If your not in the giving spirit then i suggest you go to your local library rent and read through one of my favorite books
and get in the giving spirit. Don't be a selfish fortunate soul, if your doing fairly well (meaning you have shelter, food, and clothing) then share the wealth. Together we stand and divided we fall so this season lets warm hearts and bodies with some donated clothing. Thank you in advance and happy holidays.
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