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I am happy... thats just the saddest Lie

What is the price of your happiness? Happiness is very similar to love some even believe it is the same thing. True happiness is defined by the one who searches for it. Just as any investment high risk means high gain, high sacrifice the more true the happiness is. Happiness has many masks and you can easily be fooled by the highs and lows of life. Some use certain substances for momentary highs in order to trick the mind and body that it is in the happy euphoric state, but eventually they come down. Make sure your happiness is not the temporary type. Make sure no one can take it from you. Be sure that when you find that thing that makes you happy it is real. It shouldn’t be a phase or a fad or a trend it should be something real and something positive in your life. Something or someone that get’s you where you’re trying to be or at least accompanies you on your journey to achieving your dreams.  Be careful though when you make it someone. Put trust in those worthy of being the keeper of your smiles. Always remember though you cannot put your happiness in someone else unless you are happy within yourself.
True happiness is the one thing that will cost you the most. It may cost you everything and seem overbearing or even overwhelming. At the end of the day it’s worth it. All the blood, sweat, and tears were worth it. All the pain and sacrifice pales in comparison to the smile that happiness brings. I hope you all find this happiness one day. Find that thing worth living or dying for. Find the thing that wakes you in the morning and never stop till you’ve got it. Search and hunt to the ends of the earth for it. I can’t guarantee you will find it or if it is even that far but trust me it’s worth the hunt. Until next time keep it LYM…..  


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