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Before I'm Gone

When I began this blog I had a general idea of what I was going for but it eventually evolved into something more. People ask me what I seek to achieve through LYMLIFE. Honestly I seek to make such an impression on your life that you find the self motivation to live up to your potential. Reaching my potential is helping you discover yours. I consider myself lucky to have seen a certain light in life that many die and never see.

People say "Josh your wise beyond your years. I wish I had your wisdom, determination, and will to succeed." I say no because you already possess everything you need the question is will you utilize your resources or not? I don't use LYMLIFE to spread good sounding propaganda. Even though from your feedback it seems you like the sound of it. As I was saying though this is not propaganda this is not words from a wise man. This is me living, observing, and reacting to life. This is me finding happiness in the simplicity of this life. This is me giving you a look through my lenses.

Clothing line? Do I seek fame and fortune? Not really unless that is the vessel God chooses for me to get through to you. I don't want your money. I don't want your mind. I want to reacquaint you with your own personal potential. I want you to take a good look at your potential and then make the change needed so that every time you look in the mirror you see him(or her). I want you to take control of yourself and stop living lies and start living in the light.

If you think what I write is something you haven't heard before 82.7% of the time you will be wrong. I simply re-awake those logical, simple, reasonable thoughts that were in your mind all along. You have all the tools necessary to succeed I'm just letting you know what tools can be used to do certain things. I am the man who is hitchhiking on your private highway to success. By success I don't want you to think I mean a lump some of cash, a great job, and a family. Success is achieving that childhood dream. Success is coming to the realization that all that stresses you in your life is probably not going to matter when your gone. Success is investing time in your loved ones and watching you relationships evolve into something more. Success is finding yourself and learning to appreciate, love, and believe in yourself thus giving off an aura that will inspire others. Success is so much more than we think. Success is the comfort of saying if I die tomorrow I will be satisfied with what I did.

We all must understand there is always something left for you to do in life. Even if you made an in depth to do list and you completed everything on the would just find the next set of things to do after. No one has enough time to finish. Life is the book that leaves you hanging. It never really comes to a clean and complete close.

So I say that to say this. Fill the chapters of your book with substance. Don't let fear censor the pages of your book. Fill them with truth so when your ink runs out your book is still worth the read. That is LYMLIFE. When my ink runs out and my number is called I ask one thing and one thing only, that you continue to walk in the LYMLIGHT and you spread the word. Free your family and free your friends from the bounds of their self doubt filled minds. LYMLIFE is the dream that you feel in your soul, its the thought that can drive you to tears and bring you right back to a smile. I seek to help you find your passion, tap into it, reach your potential, and make a difference in lives. I seek your success and this is why LYMLIFE exists. LYMLIFE is the voice in your head keeping you on your chosen path. LYMLIFE is not me or you, it is us.

Sidenote: This post was written with you in mind: My parental Units, Boops, Gramps, Grams, My brother in Arms, Nicky, Stef, Tink, BDUBB, and the remainder of the Tripod.....


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