For Alex....Love ya kid |
Not much is guaranteed to us in this life. Death is imminent but as for the rest it is all possible but not guaranteed. As you continue to exist in this realm you go through the roller coaster we call life. People come and go for the most part family remains.
The funny thing about family is you don't choose them but your definetly stuck with them. I love to stress the importance of family because I use mine as a support system as should you. Family means a lot to me, but from experience I have learned that you must proceed with caution. Snakes are always hiding in the grass. They are everywhere even in your family. Just because they own a title that makes them part of your family doesn't mean they have your best interest in mind. Family must be loved and accepted for who they are. Learn your family and treat them accordingly. I am very aware of my family and there tendencies so I treat them accordingly. I love them all I just watch my back around certain members.
Not everyone in this life means you good, many people you associate with wear masks but it is up to you to weed them out and act accordingly. I'm not saying put a mask on around them because I personally refuse to but just remember to keep your eyes open for suspect behavior. I love my family but blind faith is something I only invest in a chosen few. This chosen few have proved themselves over the years. The rest I just love unconditionally but full trust will never be present. As it was said in the Godfather "keep your friends close and your enemies closer". You figure the rest out...
The day you stop trying to make people something they aren't and start accepting them for who they are your life will get easier.
You can only try so much to try and improve people if they don't want to make the change then nothing will come of your effort. God only helps those who help themselves and the same goes for me. If you want to see the change in your life then I will help, but I refuse to work against you. Until next time keep LYM...
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