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Savage Law #1

Civilize The Mind But Make Savage The Body

The first and one of the most important savage laws is "Civilize the mind but make savage the body. This is one of the first laws i was introduced to as a child min karate class. Through the teachings of my Sensei i learned the true meaning of this law through hard work and dedication over a span of 13 years. At the age of four reciting this law didn't mean much to me I was like a parrot just repeating my Sensei's words. But after many years of reciting this law i learned to truly apply it. Unlike many Dojos, my dojo was truly unique. our studies of mixed martial arts with a strong foundation in Goju Ryu prepared me for much more in life than a street scuffle. It prepared me for life to be a better me. I slowly became a Better man, brother,and son. My permission to study martial arts depending not only on monthly fees but also a lot of important factors in my everyday life. Parents at my dojo could throw all the money they wanted but if my grades weren't up to par I was not able to attend classes. My Sensei held education on a very high pedestal.

Knowledge plus strenuous physical activity were the two main priorities as a karateka. On top of that when it came time to get my black belt intense physical testing was paired with a 10 page essay on my understanding of martial arts and the positive effect it had on my life. Not many black-belts are put through such testing. My Sensei showed me he wasn't creating boys who could defend themselves he was building a league of extraordinary young men. Through the process we became soldiers of a special kind.

In order to truly claim savage you must obey and maintain the laws. In order to conquer the first law you must spark your flame for knowledge and at the same protect the temple which you reside in. They say health is wealth. First muscle we must learn to exercise is the mind. This is done through education yourself on a daily basis. No man of moderate intelligence was ever overcame by a man who excels in the brawn department.Its one thing to work hard but eventually the body gets run down. The mind takes much longer to wear out. We must not only depend on the education that is socially accepted. K-12, then onto higher education in the form of college. We must thirst and lust for knowledge. We must seek knowledge beyond what is expected of us. Knowledge provided by school systems is the bare minimum. Its the knowledge you gain outside of school that really sticks. In school most students use a for of learning called the dump truck method. We learn everything we can just to pass a test then as soon as we pass the test we dump out all the wisdom we gained to make room for our next lessons. Lessons we choose to pick up are usually applied and repeated if the outcome is favorable these eventually become routine. Through practice we make perfect and through repetition we make routine. This is true knowledge. This is the kind of knowledge you retain even years after first being introduced. This is how you make the mind civilized. Civilization itself is built on the rejection of ignorance and the embrace of wisdom.

To make savage the body is to attain a level of physical excellence that allows you to conquer your opponent efficiently in a physical manner. With a mind full of wisdom and strategy and a body capable of great physical feats man becomes unstoppable. Through exercise and proper dieting we can maximize and truly get closer to resembling our bodily potential.Our minds can only take us so far as can our bodies. Get both body and mind in shape and we prove a force to be reckoned with. The ability to perform your best ideas is truly a gift. They say if you want a job done right do it yourself. In a world of over consumption and sloppy bodies thoughts can easily be discouraged by physical limitations. Don't be that person. Do for yourself.

So in order to truly civilize the mind and make savage the body we must read daily and exercise regularly. These two activities will help you excel in many aspects of life. So I urge you to go out and grab a book that interests you and also buy a gym pass or just go to a local park and exercise both mind and body. You will thank me later. Until next time keep it LYM.


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