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Relocated and Elevated....

As the Achilles of LYMLife I am the conqueror who runs ahead to new lands and sends word to the troops when I have settled a new situation. Some say I am a pioneer. Pioneer life usually involves extreme levels of isolation and belief in the vision. This time around I got some help from the younger sibling. It is rare that someone can share your vision in an instant. My sister didn't question or second guess me when I said we are moving to Columbus. She has turned out to be quite the roommate. Aside from picking up household duties and packing me lunch occasionally card games get pretty intense over here. The most beautiful thing is the growth I am seeing in her character. Coming from tropical Miami to the tundra territory of Ohio is not supposed to be a smooth transition but together we have been able to smooth out a lot of the bumps. To move from action central to a somewhat dull town (at least that's what the locals tell me) is difficult especially at her young age but the ability to recognize opportunity shows maturity beyond her peer group.
When I take on a task that might cost me a bit of time I use tunnel vision to block out immediate distractions and focus on the prize. She seems to have the same gift. We went from turning up every weekend to straight survival mode. We have simplified our lives in order to seek balance and serenity. Through the adventure of developing one self we can contribute to LYMLife on a new level. The dream of bringing LYMLife keeps us pushing forward and I am truly grateful for her willingness to join me in this chapter of my life. I have no doubt she will write one of the best chapters to date in her own book. No man is an island but two Civilized Savages can be considered an army ready to conquer new land. Until next time keep it LYM....


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