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WISDOM Wednesdays

“Man to man is so unjust…children you don’t who to trust. Your worst enemy could be your best friend and your best friend your worst enemy. Some will eat and drink with you, then behind them susu pon you. Only your friends know your secret, so only he could reveal it. So who the cap fit let them wear it. I throw me corn … me no call no fowl. Some will hate you pretend they love you now…but behind your back try to eliminate you. But who JAH bless no man curse."
-Robert Nesta Marley

Trust is something that must not only be held close to your heart, but also protected by a code and high standards. People are human. This means we are fallible. (Look it up if you’re unsure). We are slaves to our coveted “free will”. This is the tool which allows us to “choose”. Darwin spent many hours to show what free will could do and what separates us from lower animals. His conclusion is we are descendants of a similar creature. Regardless of if you believe in creationism or Darwinism…ponder this. Put it in your hookah, vaporizer or rolling paper and smoke it. Beware where your trust sits. We all have heard that misery loves company, but we don’t usually get it. Understand that when things fall apart …. It is usually comes from an insider. A trusted friend has blown the whistle to show that you are just like them. They want your allegiance without consequence. If they are master manipulators, they will make their tracks hard to trace while sitting up front. Remember… GOD never sleeps, which is why Bob says “who JAH bless, no man curse. Be strong and know where your original alliance is. In Jamaica… we say…… “New broom sweep clean, but the old broom knows the corners…” Know that there is no place like home and build your foundation to support it. The grass really looks greener from across the street. Walk over and observe the chinch bugs ( Johnny come lately)who profess to “understand you but are not made of the same stuff. Be wise because there really is a “Natural Mystic” blowing through the air… if you listen carefully now, you will hear. Until seven suns set…. LYM ( Leave Your Mark) in a safe place.

-Mama Murray


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