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WIsdom Wednesdays

 "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi

 I hope the good intentions of the past week produces a positive ripple that  helps make the world a better place. As we leave our mark in ways big and small, we strive to improve not only our lives but the lives of others we know and love as well as friends and family we have not yet met. Many among us believe that it is hard to make a real difference in the world. I believe it is quite simple. Transformation begins with the small acts of individuals. Think of a time when an unexpected phone call, message or letter changed your day for the better. Remember a time when a small idea shared with others morphed into a project that benefited an entire community or nation..The key to change is just to start. DO something.....anything that is positive for someone...just because. With any luck it will create a ripple that affects many people down the line in ways you could not have imagined. Big ideas do begin with small thoughts and we as individuals are responsible for the society as a whole. The sooner we embrace the responsibility of taking care of each other, nature and the world, the sooner we will see a change. Challenge yourself in this new year to commit small acts of kindness for friends,family, and those we have not formally met.  Until seven sunsets........LYM positively.


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