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Its only a matter of time...

A great idea is hard to come by. Creativity itself gets smothered in the hectic net of our daily activity. In life we are trained to continuously go through the motions like a perpetual motion machine that can only be stopped by death. For me this constant motion, blind leading the blind, "zombified" lifestyle is just not as appealing as some make it out to be. I don't want that life for me or anyone else I care about. My parents set a standard of living for me and my siblings and they expect us to raise such a standard for our own kids. In order to raise the standard we must work more efficiently with the time we have. We must establish and differentiate ourselves from the pack. The pack is led by the leaders of yesterday. With the right drive behind the perfect idea today can be the day the pack makes its own decisions. As far as I can see the pack has no desire to lead themselves or even truly have their voice heard. We are satisfied with minimal input. Our elections and this so called democracy are enough to keep us quiet. Not me! I refuse to conform to societies assembly line for creating the standard citizen. I followed all the rules, bent a few but stayed within the confines of politically acceptable behavior and what do I have to show for it? At the rate I'm going it is predicted that I have the potential to live a good life. For me that is not enough. I want more for myself and more for my team. The days are long and the nights too but the smell of success is enough to keep us dogs on the trail. LYMLife is the concept, Civilized Savagery is the process and the classification for those who seek the LYMLife. Many ask what is a Civilized Savage and this what I say: LYMLife is not the selling of a product, it is living in a manner which inspires a positive change in others. Civilized Savagery is the oxymoronic statement which classifies our culture. The dream chasing culture meets the realist mindset of practical men. By any means necessary! You may not have accepted it yet but eventually you will understand that to embrace LYMLife is to believe in yourself. 

Great ideas are those that are not accepted until generations after they have been conceived. My goal is to see the manifestation of LYMLife before my time is up.


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