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#1 Fact Of Life

The Dalai Lama says that "Happiness is not something that is ready made. It comes from your own actions." Understanding this statement gives you a better understanding as to how to find your own happiness. Simple and plain, you create it. Nowadays many of us base our happiness on others actions. Boyfriends depend on the moods of their girlfriends, husbands depend on the moods of their wives and children, and children depend on their peers mood to determine their own. When we take this approach although it may seem considerate it can be truly unhealthy when considering our personal health. Happiness can determine health thus we should all take complete control of our own happiness. How you may ask? Stop depending on others moods. Find happiness within yourself. Create happiness and in time you will find health in return. Those people who we use to determine our happiness are not always worthy of holding the key. So instead of blaming others and depending on them take matters into your own hands. First you should decide on your goals in life(what do you want to achieve). By working towards your personal goals you will not only be happy but your happiness will be contagious. If we all take control of our own happiness we can live more fulfilling and productive lives. So quit the cowardly blaming of others and make yourself happy. Its no one's job but your own. We love to let others let us down so we can bitch and complain but in actuality we just use these people as scapegoats when its really not their fault and even if it is we should have known better than to place our happiness on their to do list. I guarantee you that rarely does your happiness make 1st priority on someone elses list. So if its your first priority make it your purpose and take it as your duty and don't leave it up to those it should not concern. People love to point fingers but when its all said and done you will be on your own and there will be no one else to blame. Live, love, LYM! Live healthy and live happy! Until next time keep it LYM.


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