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She Once Asked Me....

For as long as I can remember my mother has taught me at least one life lesson a day since my birth. In everything I do and everything that happens to me she finds the lesson that needs to be learned. On top of teaching me things she tends to ask me questions which stimulate the dusty crevices of my brain. I remember once she asked me a question which I answered with ease but to this day I am still very confused by it.

As I recall it was my Grandparents, my mother, and I all hanging out in the garage. After a few jokes and some more small talk my mother looked at me and asked "What is the number one trait that you look for in a person", I quickly answered loyalty. All my life all I asked of those I love is loyalty. I asked her the same she said "honesty". My grandmother chose honesty and so did my grandfather. Then I explained that loyalty is a catch all, but she quickly said "being loyal means that you would bend the truth for that person to protect them and in turn it would mean you lose loyalty to others." How loyal is real loyalty?

 At this point in my life I'm beginning to think my answer has slightly shifted, because I have rarely experienced true loyalty. If you asked me to count the people who have true loyalty to me I can easily count it on one hand. Call it sad but I'm just honest with my self. Those who think they need both hands and then some will be sadly mistaken if they put it to the test. I am at a point where I look for realness in people, not sure as to the politically correct term for realness so it will have to suffice for now. I appreciate and applaud realness because its not something you can't say you are, you just have to be it. Its one of those traits that takes time to discover. In all my exchanges I am real. I am so genuine in fact that it drives some away. In the LYMLIFE avoid flakes, fakes, and those who wear masks. They live unfulfilled lives. They are to busy plotting that they forget what really matters. LYMLIFERs don't own masks. They spark others curiosity without hiding. Remember that in your travels.... I leave you with this: What one trait do you look for in others?


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