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Cutting out the Middle Man

Yesterday I went on a LYMLIFE mission and a half. I am a true believer in cutting out the middle man whenever  possible and so I embarked upon a journey....

No bueno....

New addiction dunkin's caramel coffee

You are entitled to all my success, if you could walk in my shoes

Life throws many curve balls be prepared. Yes this is our web designer/IT guy.

random I know but I thought it must be documented

This is definitely not in his job description....its LYMLIFE

sneak peaks

pack em tight...

Heated... there was no Skymall magazine

Waiting on the train...

Covered many miles in my Top Siders....

Ended the mission with an old friend: Petey the Pita

Mission had a purpose.....sneak peeks
The clothing line has officially touched down. Had some pre orders so my sources tell me the first shirt was actually worn in Canada. Salute to the T-dot LYMLIFERS. Today we take Tallahassee.... we will keep you posted. This is LYMLIFE...we are along for the ride just like you. Who knows what will happen?


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