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Hustling Hard

Greetings LYMLIFERs,
Due to some technical difficulties, clothing deadlines, the start of school, and the fact that the website is currently being built from scratch I have not gotten around to posting anything. My apologies but trust me this wait is going to be well worth it. 

First I want to say the clothing line is coming along nicely. LYM ladies just be patient. Yes it's true the first wave will only contain mens tees, but I promise the second wave will have something catered to the ladies. If everything goes as planned the tees should surface sometime within a week, but as we all know things don't always go the way you want. Also I want you all to understand in case you got it confused you are not just buying clothing, you are investing in a movement. You are supporting your own struggle, by supporting us you are only doubling our support for you. If you don't get the picture just wait and see.

Second the website is coming along slowly but surely. Lots of technologically gifted minds were consulted on this project so the resources are there we just need some more time and it should be fully up and running. We are trying to make it an easy site to navigate through but complex enough to hold your attention and truly get our point across.

So until next time....keep it LYM......


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