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Trapped In my Mind...

Following up on my last post I have been motivated to open up a little to all my believers. I say believers because I don't want fans or followers I want believers. I want to know that I am speaking to those people who believe in the LYMLife project. If you are an avid LYMLife reader, then you should undoubtedly be a LYMlifer. To be a LYMLifer is to be the driving force in your own life while driving others to achieve great things in their own life. When you are done reading this post do something, let me know your out there, show me I'm not alone on this highway of potential. I have hope in humanity, I have not given up yet, and don't plan on it ever. I am dissappointed in those who are spectators in this game of life. Get on the field and make it happen. I am not sure who exactly is in these trenches with me but I would sure love to know who I can call a teammate. Someone who is down to fight for what they believe in. Someone who knows where they have come from and know where they want to go.

Taking a break from inspiring you all, its time I give you a peek at the chaotic war going on inside my head.
At my age I have experienced some things that have changed me forever. I have been through the highs and dipped down into the lows and still I stand. When I began this project I had a specific vision for what I wanted out of it. My vision is still same general concept except it has grown. With this growth has come more responsibility, stress, and opportunity. If you know me you know I have been scared of my own light for some time now. I am so afraid of failure that it puts a short leash on my success. Or am I afraid of what might come with success?
LYMLife is on the verge of releasing the clothing line and I won't lie I am truly scared. This project is like my child, I want to bring it into a positive environment and nurture it so that it can reach its full potential. My thoughts is the world ready for this movement, can I find positive supporters to help push it or will the overwhelming negativity of the world shut it out. I can't be sure but what I can tell you is I will be following through this time. "I will never progress if I never try, all I ask is let every word I birth never die".
I have sat down at the table of life with all my failures in life and tried to find out where I went wrong but the silence was unbearable. I guess only time will tell. I question myself a lot in all aspects of life, but I know I am not alone in that. I wonder who am I?  What makes me so special? Why support me? Why am I different? And the questions go on and on. The best answer I have come up with: Why not?
I have fallen into the horrible habit of setting my life up like dominoes. One domino gets hit and they all fall. I have brought the failures of my school, relationships, and finances into my LYMLife project. These things have caused me to walk on eggshells when it comes to the movement. This stops right now. School is something you give your best and thats all you can do. Your best effort and dignity is all that is asked. Relationships have always been a source of confusion, men can't figure out women and women think they have men figured out. If your not good enough for someone chances are it just wasn't meant to be. One thing my mom taught me you can't make people love you. Lastly finances are always shifting, money comes and goes but family remains. Through the good and the bad times remember to spend your real currency (time)  wisely, don't be consumed by the concept of "Cash is King". After putting all these things into perspective I have come to peace within myself.  Finding peace within yourself doesn't necessarily take time it just takes a lot of thought. Life comes at you fast but its only 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.

We tend to create our own hells on earth. All I can say is its all in your head. Those of you who support the movement let your voice be heard. Take your mask off and show the world your true self. Share your struggle. This post is what we call venting and I thank you for listening.
So I end this post with these phrases:
"Simplify your life"
"Take the chance"
"Love unconditionally"
"Live, don't exist"
"The simplest answer is to act"


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