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Miami Art Basel pt. 1

Went to get a haircut a few days ago and happened to be in the area of one of the street Art projects of Miami Art Basel in Wynwood. There was no way I was going to pass up such an opportunity. Amazing would be an understatement. Here is the first installment of pics I took, enjoy there are many more to come.....

one of my favorites

Brolic Baby

That 10 point buck

I am not sure why but I really dig this one

All in the name of Art....

Obey wall 1

Obey wall 2

Obey wall 3

I am now officially a Peter Tunney fan

Tunney again..

and again...

No one....

Obey wall 4
Obey wall 5

Obey wall 6

Obey wall 7


Restarurant Front 1

Restaraunt Front 2

Had so many more pics....coming soon


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