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Men of Action

In this world we live in I have come to notice that most people are happy with settling for mediocrity. Here at LYMLife that is absolutely unacceptable. We don't compromise our dreams or goals for anyone or anything. We are down to die for what we believe.

In my travels this summer I happened to cross paths with a young man by the name of Kofi. It did not take much time to realize he was a LYMLifer. One day Kofi caught me working on something that wasn't so work related and asked me what I was doing? This opened the door of enlightenment and I explained to him what I was trying to do with this LYMLife movement. Immediately after hearing what I had to say he explained to me a project he was working on. It was called The Four Pillars. Kofi explained the whole concept of what they were trying to achieve and how they would go about it. Instantly I realized how well this piece fit into the puzzle I call LYMLife. The Four Pillars embodies the essence of this thing we call LYMLife.
The Four Pillars is made up of four ambitious young men who are changing the world by educating and motivating the youth. Their objective is to "inspire a unwaivering ambition" through their Four Pillars of Empowerment  concept of : S.E.L.F. S-self investment; E-education and how to use it; L-leverage; F-financial literacy. Support their movement it is definitely a positive one helping the younger generation realize success is always within arms reach. Find the on facebook by searching TheFour Pillars or follow them on twitter @TheFourPillars. Here at LYMLife we salute you men of The Four Pillars. Keep up the good work never let the dream die. 
Reach for the Heavens

Making a difference


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